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Script VO du Webisode N°1

London 1888
Whitechapel District

Molly: Lonely tonight gentlemen?

Druitt: Still at it Molly?

Molly: Oh, Mr Druitt, you frightened me. No rest for the gifted, you know that

Druitt: Indeed I do

Molly: You shouldn't be in the alley jumping out at the ladies these days. What with all the troubles.

Druitt: What was I thinking? Forgive me.

Helen: John! This ends here.

Druitt: Helen, what a lovely surprise. Molly, I'd like you to meet my fiance. Or should I say, former fiance, Helen Magnus. Doctor Helen Magnus.

Molly: Doctor, I'm pleased to meet you Ma'am. Well, I'll be on my way.

Druitt: Stay, I insist

Helen: John let me help you before you make things worse.

Druitt: And how is that possible? I've already murdered what? Seven whores. How could one more make the slightest difference?

Molly: Murdered? No!

Druitt: What more have I to lose?

Helen: Your power is driving you mad, John. I can help.

Druitt: Mr power is all I have left.

Helen: Let. Her. Go.

Druitt: As the lady wishes.


Old City
Present day

Cop 1: Dispatch, This is 7 David 5 responding to a 10 11 at 129 on Willis

Dispatch: Roger that 7 David 5

Cop 1: Open up! Police!

Cop 2: Let's go! Open up!

Cop 1: Evening Ma'am, we've had some complaints about the noise

Russian: We want no trouble

Cop 2: Then you don't mind if we come in?

Russian: No... no

Cop 2: You folks want to just come right out and tell me, why we got a call to come here tonight?

Russian: We have trouble early tonight but no trouble now

Cop 1: Hey, what kind of trouble?

Russian: Please you go

Cop 2: Ma'am, I'm going to enter this room. Please step aside

Russian: Please

Cop 2: Everything will be fine. Russo!

Cop 1: 7 David 5 requesting backup on that 10 11

Dispatch: Roger that

Cop 1: EMS response Stat

Dispatch: Copy that 7 David 5

Cop 1: It's a kid. Hey kid. You OK? It's Ok, c'mon. See, it's OK. Just reach out and grab my hand, OK? It's OK. Just reach out and grab my hand, just grab my hand, OK? I said come here! 



Title sequence  

TV Narrator: Monsters, strange creatures that walk the earth, searching for innocent victims, ready to strike at any moment. These creatures such as the legendary Sasquatch or Bigfoot can exist in any climate on Earth, in any city, in any town and some day they may be coming to visit you.

Babysitter: Will! Your parents are pulling in. Remember our deal, OK?

Will: OK. Just a stupid movie. There's no such thing as monsters, no such thing as monsters, no such thing as monsters. Oh. Thank you. Somebody page me?

Nurse: Excuse me doctor. Have a nice nap?

Will: No, not really

Nurse: Consult, homicide suspect, real heavy hitter

Will: Anyone we know?

Nurse: Oh ho ho, man you're going to love this one

Larry: This is harassment, plain and simple. You will all be hearing from my lawyer. Especially you Tom Cruise I know you are the one that shot me or was it you, huh?

Detective: Oh come on. Look we both know your lawyer is too freaked out to be in the same room with you, so let's kill the music and lay our cards on the table shall we?

Larry: OK. OK, you want me to lay it out, huh?

Detective: Yeah

Larry: Well, alright, you know your dollar store cologne stinks

Detective: That's funny. You whacked six people tonight, including two cops. You think this is harassment? We're not even in the vicinity yet!

Larry: Really? You know you could always just use deodorant.

Will: Hey! Whoa guys, guys, hey guys, I got it. I got it from here. OK.

Larry: Thank God

Will: Man, long time no see

Larry: Come to get Lieutenant Gitmo off my back?

Will: Cavanaugh

Detective: Zimmerman

Will: I hear you need an eval

Detective: Yeah, well you heard wrong. Look just patch him up, we'll handle the rest

Larry: See! That's a threat. They're not even trying to hide it

Will: Alright, alright, Joe, Joe sidebar

Detective: Make it fast. Uptown wants him arraigned like yesterday. Me, I'm just dying for a chance to shoot his ass

Will: I know what happened tonight but Tolson used to be a patient of mine. Why don't you give me a few minutes alone with him. You know, maybe I can shake some stuff loose for you. At the very least I'll save you a disciplinary hearing

Detective: Alright, let's give him the room. I hope you know what you are doing. Let's go! Come on.

Larry: So, you look good Doc

Nurse: Alone with M and M, hmmm. Zimmerman always did have serious balls

Helen: M and who?

Nurse: The Manderville Monster. Did 12 years in Ivy Heights after killing his foster parents, got out a couple of months ago. I guess people don't change, do they.

Helen: I suppose not

Will: You working on the sequel rights there Larry?

Larry: No way. No how. Not this time

Will: So then why the escort service and the bullet in the leg?

Larry: Ask them. One minute I'm watching the Discovery Channel and the next I'm, I'm surrounded by cops. I asked for a warrant and, and they shoot me

Will: Well they found you watching TV alright but you were surrounded by corpses. Did you lose your meds?

Larry: No, no that's not it.

Will: Hey, look the studio audience is gone, Larry, it's just me, alright and I need to hear the truth.

Larry: Alright. I dropped in on the family downstairs. All the yelling and the screaming. I'm nothing if not neighbourly, right?

Will: Yelling and screaming?

Larry: Oh yeah! There's like 50 of them living down there. There's like young ones and old ones and it's like Red Square 24/7, you know what I'm saying?

Will: So, you just went down to complain about the noise?

Larry: I didn't kill anyone this time, promise. I heard what was going on... so I went down to check out the kid's technique, that's all.

Will: The kid?

Larry: The Rusky kid, except he wasn't a kid was he? He was... he was, ah, special

Will: Special, what does that mean?

Larry: Think about it Doc, those two cops...just Bang, Bang. Just like, like that takes talent you know? Believe me, I know. But the kid, the kid has... the kid has serious juice!

Will: Is that the real version Larry? Because I'm not feeling any love here.

Larry: On the level?

Will: Yeah

Larry: You think I whacked the Bolsheviks? Hell, fine with me. I miss my room in the Ivy, you know. But the way he took out the cops, the truth? The truth...

Will: Larry...

Larry: The kid, Will, you don't want to find him.

Orderly: Fresh meat! Coming through

Doctor: Subtle

Orderly: Russo, Albert and Birch, Lawrence. Two cops, bought it tonight uptown

Doctor: Yeah we've been expecting them, put them in holding

Orderly: Got four more coming later. EMS says it was a real butcher shop

Doctor: Aren't they all these days?

Doctor: Helen

Helen: Eleanor

Doctor: They're in the cold room

Helen: Thank you

Doctor: Lunch next week?

Helen: Love to, I'll call

Will: I know what it looks like but he's not your man

Detective: A convicted psycho just wanders into a pre existing bloodbath? Cut the crap Zimmerman, he's our guy

Will: Trust me. Tolson did not kill those people

Detective: Severe cranial lacerations, removal of grey matter. I read his jacket, this is our guy's kind of party

Will: Yeah, and this time he was just a guest, not the host. Larry Tolson has a very specific form of delusional psychosis, he kills for reasons that you and I think that are crazy but they make sense to him

Will: 12 years ago, why did he kill his foster parents?

Detective: Uh, I don't know. Something about their brains stealing power

Will: He sees people as either conduits or syphons. If he thinks you're trying to steal his energy, he feels threatened and that's when he kills. Believe me, Forensics will go through the whole nine yards and they won't find one shred of DNA to link him. Sorry man, but they pay me to do my homework.

Detective: OK, whoa, whoa. Zimmerman, lets just say that I buy this psycho crap defence, which you know I don't, then who the hell did it?

Will: That's your job, Joe. It's not mine.

Helen: Hard to believe such an outlandish story isn't it?

Will: Excuse me?

Helen: The Manderville Monster. It would have been easy to lay the blame directly at his feet and yet, you didn't. Well done.

Will: Nice to know I have fans

Helen: You saw it didn't you?

Will: Saw what?

Helen: You saw the clarity of Mr Tolson's eyes when he told you who did kill those people.

Will: Look, not that it's any of your business but that I saw were the ramblings of a delusional psychotic. So it wasn't Tolson, it was someone just like him

Helen: Except such carnage could never be the work of a madman could it? The police may think it possible, but you don't

Will: Listen, it's late and I gotta...

Helen: He told you about the boy didn't he? A child capable of such murderous destruction, he just had to see it for himself. Mr Tolson was there as an admirer, was he not?

Will: There was no boy

Helen: No ordinary boy

Will: Look, who are you? How do you know about this?

Helen: I've heard such accounts many times before. As for who I am...

Helen: ...a friend, I hope.

Source: Wikia

Ecrit par albi2302 
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