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#116 : Tourner la page

Rusty pense qu'une fille est tombée sous son charme en classe. Il propose un rendez vous à 4 avec elle, son amie et Dale. L'amie de cette nouvelle copine de classe se révèle être en réalité, une anti confrérie, comme Dale. Elle prend part au U-SAG (le mouvement d'action contre les confréries), mais s'y investit de trop ! Les ZBZ, y compris Casey, souhaitent renouer avec les Omega Chi. Mais du côté des ΩX, ce n'est pas le cas de tout le monde puisqu'Evan s'y oppose fortement. Casey, déterminée, prend les choses en main en tant que présidente et va voir Evan pour tenter d'arranger les choses mais tout ne se passe pas comme prévu...



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VO : Scènes avec Dale

VO : Scènes avec Dale


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Plus de détails

Scénariste : Anne Kenney

Réalisateur : Michael Lange


Acteur secondaire présent :

Zach Lively (Heath)

Guest stars :

Lisa K. Wyatt (Helga Von Lempke)

Tiya Sircar (Emma)

Lisa Wilhoit (Tina)

Anny Pudi (Sanjay)

Christina J. Chang (Caroline)

Rusty et Dale se balade sur le campus parlant de leur professeur Madame Albert. Rusty affirmant qu’elle se trompe et qu’elle n’est pas infaillible. Dale lui demande de lui prouver car pour lui, elle a toujours raison. D’un coup, Rusty s’arrête de parler et fixe quelque chose, du coup Dale pense qu’il fixe Madame Albert qui a tout entendu de leur conversation. Dale demande alors à Dieu de le transformer en homme invisible. Mais Rusty fixe une camarade de classe de littérature qui fait ses devoirs en buvant un café a une table. Dale la fixe à son tour,la montrant même du doigt. Rusty lui demande d’être discret juste au moment où elle croise leur regards, le sourire aux lèvres. Dale lui dit le préférer quand il était en plein deuil, Rusty évoque une blague qui s’est passé en cours avec un professeur, en profitant pour dire qu’elle le comprend, rappelant au passage combien c’est rare. Dale part alors dans un discours moralisateur, le sexe faisant oubliant les autre priorités de la vie, telle que la chimie… Mais Rusty affirme que tout va bien dans son travail malgré ses pensées. Dale veux alors couper court à la conversation en proposant à Rusty d’inviter cette fameuse jeune fille à aller boire un verre. Mais Rusty rappelle qu’il la juste faite rire et qu’elle ne lui a pas donné pour autant son numéro. La jeune fille ferme alors son livre devant un Rusty extasié qui décrit son rituel quotidien : fermer son livre puis boire son café. Lorsqu’il sort de sa torpeur, il se rend compte que Dale est entrain de se diriger vers l’objet de ses fantasmes. Rusty est alors très gêné pendant que Dale parle avec elle.

Revenu à lui, Dale lui annonce une tape sur l’épaule qu’il a rendez vous avec elle ce soir et repart ensuite sur les cours. Rusty le suit, le sourire béat.

Gros plan sur des fleurs dans la maison des Zêta Bêta offerts par les Lambda Zig grâce à trois jeunes filles de la maison. Tout ceci leur redonne alors espoir pour reprendre un semblant de vie sociale. Frannie prend alors casey dans ses bras juste avant de demander quand Est-ce qu’elles inviterait les Omega Chii pour un rapprochement vu que ceux sont les mecs les plus classes du campus. Voyant la mine de tout le monde, Frannie se rattrape en demandant à casey, la présidente, si elle trouve que c’est une bonne idée. Mais celle-ci n’est pas d’accord depuis l’évènement JK (jen k, l’ancienne petite amie de Rusty) et MHP(Monstrueuse Humiliation Publique) lors de la fête foraine. Elle veux sen sortir sans leur aide et propose de se motiver en faisant la fête dans leur propre maison. Elle propose alors tout excitée une soirée gâteau/jeux de plateau/pizza faisant fuir l’une des sœurs qui la traite de « Lizzie », Frannie s’exclame tout sourire qu’elle est partante.

Rusty est au téléphone avec son rencard pour choisir l’heure et en raccrochant, apprend à Dale qu’elle veux absolument venir avec sa colloque. Dale lui dit que peut être qu’elle n’a pas osé annuler par pitié ou alors qu’elle veut déjà le montrer à toutes ses amies. Du coup Rusty demande à Dale de l’accompagner pour occuper cette intrus même si celui-ci le prévient qu‘il a un charme fou et qu‘il ne voudrait pas ruiner leur amitié pour une fille.

Sur les escaliers de la maison Zêta Bêta qui mènent aux dortoirs, Rebecca parle avec cap au téléphone, il est malade, elle ne va donc pas le voir. Casey lui fait comprendre que quand elle était avec Cap, elle s’occupait de lui quand il était dans cet état.

Frannie donne un rendez vous en dehors de la maison à Ashely pour lui parler de Casey. celle-ci va avoir des problèmes avec les sœurs si elle continue à éviter les soirées avec les Oméga Chii à cause d’Evan.

Dans leur chambre, Ashley fait revenir Casey à la raison en lui faisait comprendre qu’Evan l’a humilié elle et non les ZBZ. Casey l’avoue finalement et se laisse tenter par la proposition de son amie : aller masser des nageurs avec l’une de leur sœur.

A la terrasse d’un café, les 4 personnes présentes au rendez vous de Rusty se dévisagent. La conversation commence sur comment Dale et Rusty se sont rencontrés, puis Dale et Tina (la colloque) commencent à comparer leurs notes aux exams pendant que Rus et son rencard parle du cours de littérature qui est selon eux, long et chiant. Tina coupe court aux réjouissances en se révoltant contre l’insigne d’aspirant des KT que porte Rusty. Dale fond alors pour elle mais elle ne semble pas intéressée. La jeune prétendante de Rus finit par quitter la table prétextant un besoin de café les laissant à leurs disputes sur les fraternités. Du coup Dale en profite pour parler de son organisation U-SAG.

Puis nous voyons Rusty marchant avec Dale, se plaignant de son rendez vous raté pendant que Dale est aux anges. Contre toute attente, elle le rattrape et s’excuse d’avoir agit de la sorte, Rus en profite alors pour l’inviter pour vendredi soir.

Casey va frapper à la porte des Omega Chii pour rencontrer Dino, le président mais malheureusement pour elle c’est Evan qui lui ouvre et il lui fait bien comprendre que les Omega Chii n’ont plus rien à faire avec les ZBZ.

Rebecca entre dans la chambre de Cappie portant le signe Biohazard, elle l’y trouve planqué sous une tonne de mouchoirs usagés avec une conjonctivite. Ce qui l’a coupe un peu dans son entrain (elle est déguise en infirmière), elle lui dépose prestement son thé, voyant qu’elle le fuit, il cherche dans sa table de chevet un cache œil de pirate (entre les menottes roses et le fouet). Il s’étonne alors de sa venue et elle lui réplique que Casey le faisait bien alors pourquoi pas elle. Et là ça tourne mal… cap pie lui répond, « Bien sur, mais tu n’es pas… »… Il détourne la conversation en se tournant vers le thé. Il commence à lui faire une liste de tout ce qu’il aimerait bien qu’elle fasse : réchauffer sa bouillotte, lui préparer un mug de nouilles, lui apporter des TUC.

Dans la maison des ZBZ, Ashley organise la soirée jeux de société, tout le monde râle et parle plutôt d’une soirée avec les Omega Chii, ce que Casey approuve en arrivant dans la pièce. Elle leur ment alors en leur disant que Dino ne veux pas avoir à faire avec les ZBZ. Tout le monde est plutôt suspicieux.

Rus prépare un CD de musique à Emma car elle n’a pas répondu à son QCM très détaillé… Dale parle de la passion de Tina pour U-SAG tandis que Rus s’interroge sur cette attraction pour un personne si agressive.

Ashley chope Calvin et le force à s’asseoir à sa table de café ne le laissant même pas en commander un, elle veux s’assurer de ce qu’avance Casey, elle lui demande donc de faire quelque chose…

Dans les couloirs du dortoir des filles, Rusty toque à la porte d’Emma. Ne voyant personne lui ouvrir, Rus décide de lui laisser un message sur son tableau accroché au mur, il pique un stylo sur un des tableaux d’une autre chambre et commence à écrire «  voici un CD pour toi pour t’aider avec le questionnaire etc.… » mais lorsqu il décidé d’effacer il se rend compte qu’il a écrit avec un marqueur indélébile d’où l’inscription sur l’autre tableau : « essayer d’effacer bande de nazes ha ha ». Tina arrivant, Rus panique et arrache le tableau. Elle lui demande alors qu’Est-ce qu’il fait et lui ne trouve rien de mieux qu’inventer une excuse que Tina ne croit pas, croyant à une farce des KT. Rusty est donc forcé de lui montrer la vérité. Du coup, Tina ne profite pour lui demander un tableau en liège et Rus lui demande de donner le CD à Emma.

Réunion au sommet chez les Omega, où Calvin défend les ZBZ, Evan s’y oppose alors se levant d’un coup évoquant aux yeux de tous des raisons personnelles et non touchant à la fraternité toute entière. Dino propose donc un vote et tout le monde est d’accord pour reprendre les fêtes avec les ZBZ.

Des cris émanent de la maison des ZBZ, elle viennent de recevoir une invitation des Omega pour le week end. Casey fait semblant d’être content et Ashley en profite pour lui demander si elle a vraiment demander à Dino. Casey avoue alors qu’elle comptait le faire mais qu’Evan l’en a découragé. Ashley lui demande alors de signer le formulaire pour la fête et lui déclare avoir un plan pour pas qu’elle ne voit Evan durant la fête.

Rus rentre dans sa chambre s’exclame qu’Emma lui a dit « Mci » par sms pour le CD pendant que Dale a une réunion de U-SAG sur les propositions de Tina. En parlant de Tina, elle débarque affiches sous les bras et leur demande de la suivre pour faire grandir U-SAG. Rusty se moque alors du pseudo contrôle de Dale sur Tina.

Rebecca prépare le plateau repas de Cap, toute défroquée, mal coiffée son téléphone n’arrêtant pas de sonner donnant de nouveaux ordres émanant de Cap. Elle demande alors aux KT s’ils n’ont pas de TUC mais elle ne récolte que quelques cacahuètes chaudes de sous les fesses d’un deux. Rebecca propose alors 200$ pour que quelque un monte à sa place regarder une série avec Cap. Mais personne entre dans la chambre de cap lorsqu’il est malade sauf Casey qui est un « ange de miséricorde » selon eux.

En classe de littérature, Rus s’assis à côté d’Emma et lui donne le tableau qu’il a acheté avec un lot de punaises et des nouveaux stylos effaçables. Il lui offre aussi un café et plein de petits suppléments. Et encore un CD et un questionnaire mis à jour. Emma parait un peu choque par tout ça et lui annonce qu’elle doit annuler leur rencard car elle a un devoir de philo à rendre pour lundi.

L’idée d’Ashley était donc de faire de Casey le tuteur de la soirée (celui qui vérifie l’identité des gens à l’entrée, mineur ou majeur). Rebecca débarque à la fête étonnant Casey qu’elle ne soit pas resté auprès de Cap, malheureusement celle-ci étant mineur a droit à un beau tampon EN DESSOUS DE 21 et n’a donc le droit de ne boire que de sodas. Ashley laisse Casey pour aller voir Calvin la laissant affronter seule le fait qu’Evan est lui aussi le contrôleur de la soirée.

Frannie débarque à la fête et se moque gentiment de cette situation, évoquant le fait que c’est une réconciliation non seulement pour les maisons mais aussi pour Casey et Evan. Au vue des regards noirs qu’elle se voit jeter, elle en déduit donc à haute voix que ce n’est qu’une coïncidence très embarrassante. La guerre commence avec les conseils d’Evan sur la façon de tamponner pour que l’encre sèche plus vite et ne soit donc pas transférable de main en main. S’ensuit des remontrances sur le fait que tout ceci ne serait pas à considérer si les Omega Chii avaient investi dans des bracelets. Puis Evan accuse Casey de ne pas vérifier les identités de tout le monde, Casey se défend en rappelant qu’elle les connaît depuis 2 ans. Mais pour Evan, peu importe, elle doit quand même vérifier son identité. Tout découle vers le fait que connaître quelque un depuis deux ans ne signifie rien en effet. Elle tamponne alors une majeur avec le tampon mineur lui disant que la bière fait grossir et donc qu’elle lui rend service. Les voix commencent à s’élever et Evan l’accuse d’avoir embrassé cap juste après qu’i lui ai offert se lettres. Casey crie à la file de rentrer et se rapproche d’Evan pour comparer leur trahison tandis qu’Ashley essaie de se mettre entre les deux. Casey évoque alors qu’elle aura toujours des sentiments pour lui et cap pie contrairement à Evan, sans sentiments, mais elle lui rappelle qu’elle la choisi et lui et que pour elle, c’est ça le plus important et qu’il ne lui a pas donné la seconde chance qu’elle lui a donné lui. Elle lance le tampon et s’en va suivit de près par Ashley. Evan refile le badge du contrôleur à un Omega Chii qui arrive lui déclarant qu’il a besoin de prendre un verre.

Cappie voit apparaître une « effrayante infirmière scandinave » à la place de Rebecca dans l’embrasure de sa porte. Holga est en fait envoyé par Rebecca pour que Cap aille mieux.

Rusty pense que ,comme Emma ne lui répond pas au tel, elle doit être très occupée avec son devoir. Il espère qu’elle a reçu son coffret de soin tandis que Dale espère qu’il parle moins fort. Il se cache de Tina, il la trouve trop envahissante qui plus est elle veux diriger U-SAG. En parlant de Tina, c’est elle qui toque la porte demandant pour Rusty, Dale pense que c’est une ruse et se cache derrière son lit pendant que Rus va lui ouvrir. Il lui fait la morale dans le couloir, une fois fini, c’est au tour de Tina de lui faire la morale : Emma veux qu’il se calme.

La soirée des Omega chii se termine… Evan est allongé sur le canapé et Franne vient le voir pour s’excuser d’avoir gâché les choses entre lui et Casey, Evan déclare alors ne plus vouloir penser à Casey et Frannie se propose de l’aider. Evan se pencher vers elle et l’embrasse mais celui-ci se fait rejeter. En effet, Frannie ne veux pas être un coup d’un soir.

Le lendemain chez les ZBZ, Casey st songeuse dans son lit et finit par se lever, décidée à faire quelque chose.

Chez les Omega, les aspirants nettoient les restes de la fête pendant qu’Evan cherche ses chaussures, il croise Calvin qui lui dit qu’il ne ressemble à rien et le voyant s’agiter lui demande où il va, Evan a décidé de dire à Casey qu’il est un idiot qui veut se remettre avec elle. Il lui souhaite bonne chance.

Quelle surprise pour lui de voir Casey en ouvrant la porte de la maison des Omega, contrairement à ce qu’il espérait Casey vient lui dire qu’elle en a fini avec leur histoire et qu’elle est prête à tourner la page. Evan essaie de rattraper le coup en lui demandant qu’Est-ce qui arriverait s’il n’était plus un idiot jaloux mais Casey ne lui propose qu’un poste d’ami dans sa vie. Elle l’embrasse alors sur la joue et lui tourne le dos, clôturant leur histoire. Evan reste sur le palier, perdu.

Rusty s’avance vers Emma un café à la main, la rassurant en lui disant que c’est le sien et essaie de s’excuser de ses trop pleins d’attentions. Il essaie de la rassurer maladroitement mais elle ne semble pas prête à le laisser ressayer. Elle s’échappe alors en lui lançant le fameux « on se voit en classe, ok ? »

Casey voit Frannie et lui dit qu’il faut qu’elles parlent, Frannie est alors effrayée que ce soit à propos du baiser d’hier soir mais Casey lui demande si elle veut toujours réaménager dans la maison.

Rebecca vient vérifier si Holga s’est bien occupée de Cap et en effet c’est le cas, mais cela restera son secret d’infirmière car tout le monde connaît le secret : tout ce qui se passe dans la chambre de Cappie reste dans la chambre de Cappie. Rebecca pense qu’il est toujours contagieux car il a toujours son cache œil de pirate mais apparemment c’est pour faire plaisir à Holga. Rebecca Demande alors si eux deux… Mais Cappie la rassure : il est actuellement l’homme d’une seule. Rebecca déclare alors ne pas être Casey et de ne jamais pouvoir l’être : parfaite petite copine et ange de miséricorde. Cap en remercie le ciel. Elle lui avoue alors qu’il est chiant comme la peste quand il est malade et se demande comment Casey le supportait. Il lui dit alors qu’elle était un ange et Rebecca fait mine de se lever et cap la rattrape en lui disant qu’elle avait trouvé son talon d’Ach : le sirop. Elle lui donnait une dose et s’enfuyait par la fenêtre et ne revenait que pour lui donner une autre dose. Personne ne savait et elle pensait que lui non plus. Rebecca gémit de dégoût car ça l’a fait l’aimer encore plus… Cap déconne alors en parlant de trucs à trois et Rebecca continue sur sa lancée en lui rappelant que personne n’a dit qu’il tait invité, il la prend alors dans ses bras en la traitant de vilaine petite cochonne

Rus voit Tina glissait un truc sous la porte et commence à partir, et en le voyant le rassure que c’est juste un prospectus pour Dale. Elle lui dit alors que c’est le seul à avoir approcher Emma qui n’ait pas de tatouages et de piercings. Pour ce que ça vaut elle lui dit qu’elle aime être à fond dans ce qu’elle fait et le menace de faire gaffe à lui et part le poing levé « Go U-SAG !».

CRU - Street


Rusty : I'm telling you, Baldwin's rules for ring closure, they don't even apply. Dr. Albert's wrong.

Dale : Then somebody better change Baldwin's rules between now and the final.

Rusty : Dr. Albert is not infallible, Dale.

Dale : If you define "infallible" as I do in this situation as in "holds my future in her hands," then yes, she is. What you looking at? Dr. Albert? Did she hear you say she wasn't infallible? Please, Lord, grant me invisibility...

Rusty : No. It's the girl from my American lit class. Just don't stare so much.

Dale : That girl right there? I hate to say this, but I liked it better when you weren't on the prowl.

Rusty : That's the Moby Dick girl.

Dale : I'm not real sure I'm comfortable with that statement either.

Rusty : Last week, in my American lit class, Mr. Ellman pointed to me and he's like, "Mr. Cartwright," and I said, "No, please call me Ishmael."

Both : Emma cracked up.

Dale : It's such a good story. Every time.

Rusty : She got the joke. I think she gets me. You know how rare that is?

Dale : No, not really. But what I do know is that obsessing, particularly in the carnal realm, distracts the mind from important matters, like solid-state chemistry.

Rusty : My work in solid-state chemistry is not suffering because of Emma.

Dale : Well, mine is. If you like this girl, for heaven's sake, and mine, just ask her out.

Rusty : She laughed at my joke, she didn't give me her phone number. Look how she closes her book first, and then takes her last sip of coffee. Dale ? No !

Dale : She'll meet you for coffee tonight at the espresso farm, don't thank me. Let's start with exo-digs, you take favored, I'll take unfavored. You wanna sit down or you wanna just keep standing here? Come on.

ZBZ HOUSE – Living room

Frannie : What's going on?

Casey : Caroline, Laurie, and Amy have been invited to Lambda Sig pink rose formal.

Frannie : It’s fantastic.

Ashleigh : We're finally moving out of the social dog house. Under the amazing leadership of Casey Cartwright.

Frannie : So when do we call the Omega Chis? To build on the momentum? The Lambda Sigs are the second hottest house on campus. Now that they've officially taken us off Greek death row with these invitations, this is the perfect time to push for a full pardon by setting up a mixer with the first hottest house... the Omega Chis. If you thought that was a good idea.

Casey : Actually, I think it's a... terrible idea.

ZBZ Girl : But the Omega Chis are a rightful social counterpart.

Casey : Rightful social counterpart B.J.K.

Ashleigh : "Before Jen K."

Casey : And the shunning Omega Chi gave us after the article was published? Not to mention B.P.H.

Ashleigh : Before... Paris Hilton?

Casey : Before public humiliation? The back-to-school carnival. Am I the only one who remembers the kissing booth debacle? The way the Omega Chis publicly humiliated us? Why should we reward them for treating us like that? No, ladies. ZBZs will find their way to the top on their own merits. And in the meantime... We can celebrate, and strengthen from within. How about a game night? We can order pizza, bake cookies...

Frannie : Great, that sounds great. It sounds great.




CRU – Dale & Rusty’s room


Rusty : 7:00, 8:00.? 7:00 sounds great. No. That's fine. Yeah, all right. I'll see you then. All right, bye. She wants to bring her roommate along on our date.

Dale : That can't be a good sign.

Rusty : If she didn't want to be alone with me, why didn't she just break the date?

Dale : Pity can be a pretty powerful emotion. Or... She likes you so much already, she wants to show you off.

Rusty : All right, maybe I should bring somebody to... To keep her roommate busy. So I can have a little one-on-one time with Emma.

Dale : That’s à good idea. Maybe get one of your frat bros to go along.

Rusty : No, I don't wanna have to explain how this whole stupid date thing happened to any of the guys at the fraternity. Especially if it's go up in flames. How about you go with me? You're the one who got me into this.

Dale : Rusty, I know you haven't been able to see me in action. You know, pure girls being somewhat in short supply here at CRU. I'm known in certain circles as quite the ladies' man. I wouldn't wanna show you out there.

Rusty : What circles are those?

Dale : Purity pledge circles. I was voted "most likely to have the opportunity to become impure, but have the supreme self-control not to" three years running in high school. I just don't want to risk our friendship over some girl.

Rusty : I'm willing to take the risk.

Dale : All right, then. If that's the way you want it, roomie. But be forewarned. I have no control over this charisma.

ZBZ HOUSE - Hallway

Rebecca : That sounds terrible. Poor thing! So I'll call you later. That was Cappie. He's sick.

Casey : Yeah, I'm suddenly feeling a little nauseous myself.

Rebecca : Not having a boyfriend is nothing to get yourself upset about. You don't need a man to have a fulfilling life. You could be the next mother Teresa or Rosie O'Donnell. Caroline and Mandy have already left for the movies yet?

Casey : Wait, you're not going to see Cappie?

Rebecca : He's sick.

Casey : Really? OK.  I saw Mandy...

Rebecca : What?

Casey : It's just... When Cappie and I were together, I always took care of him when he was sick. But... He's probably not even thinking about that right now. Maybe you can just send him a nice warm e-card. I'm sure it'd mean a lot to him.

CRU - Garden

Ashleigh : Okay, I'm here. So what's with all the secrecy?

Frannie : We needed to talk somewhere away from the house. I'm worried about Casey.

Ashleigh : Frannie, I know you've supposedly gone through this whole personality overhaul thing, but I'm kind of weirded out when you start talking about your concern for Casey.

Frannie : This is not about me. Didn't you notice how everyone was looking at her when she nixed mixing with the Omega Chis? And I know you heard someone call her "Lizzi."

Ashleigh : So? Casey, Lizzi. It's an understandable mistake.

Frannie : Casey is seriously being blinded to what's good for the house and herself by this Evan-shaped mental block. Which I know I helped to put there. That's why I'm doing everything I can to get everyone back to their rightful places.

Ashleigh : If you feel so strongly about this, why don't you talk to Casey about it?

Frannie : Because she might be kind of weirded out. Don't let her blow this opportunity, Ash.

ZBZ HOUSE – Ashleigh & Casey’s room

Casey : Not wanting to have a mixer with the Omega Chis couldn't possibly have anything to do with my feelings for Evan. I don't have feelings for Evan. It doesn't matter to me if he's arrogant, or rude, or dismissive... I don't even notice.

Ashleigh : Yeah, I can see that. Did you know that Amanda gets PE credits for massaging the varsity boys during swim meets? We should just go...

Casey : The Omega Chis publicly humiliated the ZBZs at the back-to-school carnival. Right?

Ashleigh : From where I was standing, Case, it looked more like... Evan humiliated you. But I could be so wrong.

Casey : No, Ash. You're right. It was about Evan and me. But he is an Omega Chi and I am a ZBZ.

Ashleigh : Yes, you are. And you're the best president ever.

Casey : And there are 50 other girls in this sorority, who didn't get dissed and who want to resume relations with the Omega Chis.

Ashleigh : 50 hot, desirable Omega Chis, including Calvin, who might be waiting for an opportunity to disagree with Evan Chambers.

Casey : That part would be gratifying.

Ashleigh : I'm social chair. I can extend the invitation.

Casey : Thanks Ash, but this isn't just about the party. It's about normalizing relations. I need to do it. I can do it.

Ashleigh : Wanna go fondle some swimmers first?

Casey : You are such a good friend.

CRU – Café

Emma : So how did you meet?

Rusty : Did you guys meet here? You can go first.

Emma : No, you first.

Dale : Luck of the draw. Housing office saw fit to put us two brainiacs on the engineering dorm.

Rusty : Dale, we don't need...

Dale : Honors floor. I got a 2210 on my sats. Rusty here got about the same.

Tina : I got 2250.

Dale : 780 in math.

Tina 790.

Rusty : Dale's very proud of his accomplishments.

Emma : It's okay. Tina's not easily intimidated.

Rusty : I see that.

Emma : So how are you liking american lit?

Rusty : Honestly, I am finding Moby Dick a little long and kinda stiff. I can't believe I just said that.

Emma : I say things I don't mean to say all the time. Why do you think I don't talk in class?

Rusty : Well, I just figured you were so far ahead of the discussion, you were just waiting for the rest of the class to catch up.

Emma : I wish. Mostly I'm just trying to stay awake. Which I guess brings us back to Moby Dick being...

Rusty : A little long and stiff.

Tina : Is that what I think it is?

Rusty : What, what is?

Dale : His pledge pin? Or his scarlet letter, if you will? He's in a frat.

Rusty : We prefer "fraternity." I'm pledging Kappa Tau Gamma.

Tina : The Greek system should be banned from college campuses.

Dale : You got a 2250 on your sats, and you're down on the Greeks?

Emma : Well, the Greeks aren't so bad.

Tina : Emma, they're this totally ritualistic, secretive society.

Rusty : I think you may be taking it a little bit too seriously.

Tina : You don't think it's serious when an organization takes monies from general students services fees, but doesn't allow all students to participate in its activities?

Rusty : Well, the same could be said for most clubs on campus and sports teams.

Emma : I could use some more coffee.

Rusty : I can get that for you.

Dale : You know, I've started an organization you may be interested in, U-Sag.

Tina : U- sag? What does that stand for?

Dale : University students against Greeks.

CRU - Street

Rusty : That was a complete disaster.

Dale : Are you kidding? That was great. That Tina's a real spitfire.

Rusty : Dale, this was supposed to be my date with the new girl, and it turned into the Greek inquisition. They didn't even want us to walk them back to their dorms.

Emma : Hey Rusty !

Dale : If Tina wants to call me, tell her it's okay. I'm serious.

Emma : I just wanted to apologize for abandoning you tonight. I'm not much good with confrontation.

Rusty : Your roommate likes it enough for both of you.

Emma : I know. I probably shouldn't have brought her. I didn't really know you, and anyway, I'm really sorry. See you in class?

Rusty : Maybe we can try it again? Just you and me? Friday night?

Emma : Sure. Why not?

Dale : Did you tell her to call me?


Evan : Casey ?

Casey : Hey!

Evan : Hey!

Casey : I was looking for Dino.

Evan : Dino?

Casey : The Omega Chi president?

Evan : Yeah, I know. I know who he is. He's not here right now. What did you want to talk to him about?

Casey : Just some Greek business. If that's okay with you.

Evan : Why wouldn't it be with me? Just that the OCs and the ZBZs aren't exactly doing business anymore. But if you want me to tell Dino you stopped by, I'll tell him.

Casey : You know what? Never mind. I don't have to talk to him after all.

KT HOUSE – Cappie’s room

Rebecca : Cap ?

Cappie : That’s my girl ?

Rebecca : Hey ? Thought maybe you could use a massage or maybe a sponge... I thought you had a cold.

Cappie : I do. I also have pink eye.

Rebecca : Bummer. Well, there's some tea. I've gotta go.

Cappie : Wait. What's under the white coat, doc?

Rebecca : It's... nothing that should be seen through... Crust.

Cappie : Is it really that bad? Okay, hold on. Here we go. Better?

Rebecca : A little. What?

Cappie : I didn't think that you'd come.

Rebecca : Why not? Casey took care of you when you were sick, right?

Cappie : Well, yeah, but, I mean, you're not... Tea! What is this, Earl Grey?

Rebecca : It's chamomile. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Cappie : I don't wanna impose. Let's see. Would you mind... Heating that up? Yeah, it's just a little cold. Thanks. And maybe some Chicken noodle soup in a cup, in, like, the mug, you know? It's always better when it's in a mug for when you're sick. With some of the little oyster crackers on top. I'm sorry. It's probably a good thing you wore the coat.

ZBZ HOUSE – Living room

Ashleigh : So the social committee is planning a game night, and I'm taking a poll on board games.

Frannie : More like boring games.

ZBZ Girl : What we should be planning is a great party with the Omega Chis.

Casey : I couldn't agree more. Which is why I went to the Omega Chi house just now to discuss the possibility of mixing with us.

Frannie : My God, that's fantastic.

Casey : But they said no.

Ashleigh : Really?

Frannie : Did you talk to Dino?

Casey : We're still poison as far as they're concerned. But who cares, right? We don't need the Omega Chis to be the best sority at CRU. We are the ZBZs. We have the Lambda Sigs. We have game night. Now I'm gonna go change my clothes. And then let's scatter some gories.

Ashleigh : She did what she could. I guess.

CRU – Dale & Rusty’s room


Rusty : CD, cD jacket. Think I'm set.

Dale : Were you able to include any "Darwin lied"?

Rusty : I tried, Dale, but damnation seems like a little bit of a romance killer.

Dale : You know what Emma's gonna like, anyway?

Rusty : I don't, which is why I emailed her a detailed questionnaire with multiple options in each musical category. She hasn't sent it back, though, so I thought I'd give her some choices that she can cross-reference while deciding.

Dale : Man, that's my third email from Tina today. She's really chompin'at the U-Sag bit. I think she's gonna come by our meeting tomorrow.

Rusty : I don't get the attraction. Tina's one of the most abrasive people I've ever met.

Dale : I'm just not intimidated by strong women. And U-Sag is a big tent organization.

CRU - Café

Ashleigh : Oh Calvin ! Over here.

Calvin : Let me just go grab some coffee.

Ashleigh : No! Sit.

Calvin : Or... not.

Ashleigh : Why don't we have mixers anymore?

Calvin : "We" meaning "you and I"?

Ashleigh : "We" meaning ZBZ and Omega Chi. You guys totally shut down the idea of having a mixer with us? What's up with that?

Calvin : I still have no idea what you're talking about.

Ashleigh : Casey said that she got a seriously strong negative reaction from Dino when she invited you guys to mix with us.

Calvin : Really? That's weird. When it comes to getting back together with the ZBZs, my sense is most of the guys are fine with it, including Dino.

Ashleigh : I need you to do something for me.

Calvin : Okay, let me just grab...

Ashleigh : No. So this is what I need you to do.

CRU – Emma & Tina’s door

Rusty : "Indelible." Crap.

Girl : See you at dinner, Tina.

Rusty : Hey Tina.

Tina : What are you doing with our white board?

Rusty : I just came by to drop off a CD for Emma, and it just fell off. And I thought I would just take it back to my dorm room, slap some adhesive on it, and bring it back.

Tina : It fell?

Rusty : Crazy? Good thing I was here. And I have adhesive in my room, so... I'm gonna go.

Tina : I can't speak for Emma, but I really don't appreciate being part of these little frat pranks. Give me back my white board.

Rusty : This has nothing to do with the fraternity.

Tina : Then give it back. Don't you think it would have been simpler to just erase it?

Rusty : Yes, but... Okay, I used their marker, and it's indelible. Who knew?

Tina : Yeah, they're in the middle of this feud with these guys down the hall. Hey, if you could find one with a corkboard, that'd be great.

Rusty : Hey, can you just give this to Emma for me?

Tina : Any message? Something... Short and limp?

Rusty : Just say it's from Rusty. Here.

OMEGA CHI HOUSE - Meeting room

Calvin : All right. Look, we all know the ZBZs have been looked down upon ever since the article. But it's old news. I think it's time we gave them a second chance. They're the same girls that we partied with last semester, and they're awesome. I just don't think we should keep punishing them for something that could have happened to any of us.

Evan : I think my little brother is well-intentioned, but, in this particular case, missguided. I mean, come on, guys. The events of the past few months have just shown us who they really are. I mean, they're a house... That... Always puts their own interests first, and ultimately can't be trusted. I mean, no matter how much we might wanna trust them.

Dino : Do you really believe that?

Evan : Look, if this is about having a mixer, the Tri Pis are always available.

Calvin : A little too available.

Dino : Why don't we put it to a vote? All those in favor of continuing to shut out the ZBZs? All those opposed.  ZBZs have it.

ZBZ HOUSE – Ashleigh & Casey’s room

Casey : What, did they just announce a new season of "America's Next Top Model"?

Ashleigh : Better! Kyle, the Omega Chi social chair, just came by to invite the Zeta betas to mix with them this weekend.

Casey : Wow, that's...  That's so not what they said before. But great.

Ashleigh : We're gonna have to scramble a little to get the registration forms and keg application into

the dean's office in time. But where there's a will, there's a way to get through with the new party restrictions. Right?

Casey : Right. We're back on with the Omega Chis. I wonder how all of this happened.

Ashleigh : Case, did you ever actually talk to Dino about a mixer?

Casey : Why would you even ask me that?

Ashleigh : 'cause I talked to Calvin. And from what he was hearing at the house, it didn't sound like you had.

Casey : Let's go see that... That was really fun. Right? I really meant to. I wanted to. I went over there, and Evan answered the door, and he was all cold and judgey. I knew what I should say, but I couldn't talk. I couldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing I wanted anything from him.

Ashleigh : It's one night. One night that'll make two houses very happy. And all you have to do is sign our half of the registration forms and get through a few hours with Evan. And I have a plan for that.

CRU – Dale & Rusty’s room

Rusty : Hey, guys. Emma loved the CD. I just got a text from her. "T-h-x" with an exclamation point.

Sanjay : A bake sale?

Ted : Car washes?

Dale : Just keep reading. So I guess she wasn't phased by the white board incident.

Rusty : I told you, Dale, she gets me. I just want to give her a couple more song choices before class.

Sanjay : This is truly ambitious.

Rusty : What are you guys doing?

Dale : We're meeting with Tina later that afternoon about U-Sag. I just want the guys here to be up to speed on all our suggestions.

Rusty : That's a lot of suggestions.

Dale : Tina's a real dynamo. And I feel like, you know, it's my job now to harness all her energy.

Sanjay : That sounds dirty.

Ted : You think everything sounds dirty.

Dale : Guys, could we focus?

Tina : Dale? You ready?

Dale : Come in. Hey. Let me introduce you to Sanjay and Ted.

Sanjay : Hi.

Ted : Hi.

Tina : Sanjay, Ted. Ishmael. So are you guys ready to go? I had a bunch of posters made up.

Dale : Posters? But, I mean, we haven't really went over...

Tina : We gotta grow this thing. I've got a hammer, and the rest of you guys could just use your shoes. Come on, guys, let's go! Hurry up!

Rusty : Nice harnessing. Got extra shoes?

KT HOUSE – Living room

Rebecca : Anybody know where the charger to Cappie's little video game machine is?

Heath : Nope.

Rebecca : I don't suppose you have any saltine crackers. Anybody?

KT Guy : How 'bout some peanuts? They're warm.

Rebecca : Works for me! Okay. I will pay anyone $200 to take this tray up to Cappie's room and watch Reba with him. We're on season five!

Heath : No one goes into Cappie's room when he's sick.

KT Guy : It's like going into the Bermuda Triangle. With germs.

Heath : The only one brave enough to do that was...

Rebecca : Casey. I know.

KT Guy : I hear she never left his side.

Heath : Yeah, she was a real angel of mercy.

CRU - Classroom

Rusty : Hey...

Emma : Hey!

Rusty : I also brought you a set of push pins. Because, look, it's got a corkboard on it. And a new set of dry erase pens. 'cause you don't want any more accidents.

Emma : No, that's for sure. Thanks.

Rusty : And I got you a cup of coffee. Careful. And a full selection of additives.

Emma : Wow.

Rusty : Last, but not least, here is a few more song samples, an updated hard copy of the cd questionnaire. I figured, since you hadn't responded, you were having trouble downloading the attachment.

Emma : Rusty, this is amazing. The only bad thing is now I feel like a real jerk for having to postpone our date tonight.

Rusty : Oh.

Emma : I have a paper due on Monday for my philosophy class. And I... Thought I'd be a lot further along than I am. So now I have to work on it all weekend. I'm really sorry.

Rusty : That's okay. When you're dating a student, you have to expect these kinds of things, right?

Emma : Right.


Ashleigh : There, now you only have to come in contact with Evan once. When you check his ID. And stamp his hand. Or his face.

Casey : Ash !

Ashleigh : Like you wouldn't love to.

Rebecca : Nice to see the Greek world back on its axis.

Casey : How's Cappie? Contagious?

Rebecca : Probably. Whatever.

Casey : Enjoy your soda.

Rebecca : Thanks, Casey.

Casey : This night not be so bad after all.

Ashleigh : There's Calvin. Are you okay here?

Casey : Sure, I'm fine. Have fun.

Ashleigh : Thanks.

Casey : Hey, Evan Let me just stamp your hand and then you can go get started.

Evan : You're ZBZ party patrol?

Casey : Your guy hasn't shown up yet.

Evan : Actually, he has. It's me.


Frannie : Oh, my God. Is this a reunion of... More than just our houses? Or just an incredibly awkward coincidence?

Evan : You're holding up the line, Frannie.

Ashleigh : Do you think people can really change?

Calvin : Right now, I'm more concerned about having something that combustible so close to the alcohol.

Ashleigh : I think they're gonna be okay. Let's go mingle.

Evan : If you stamp that hard, it makes the ink wet. If the ink stays wet, it's easier for them to transfer stamps.

Casey : If you guys had invested in wristbands instead of stamps, we wouldn't have to worry about it. Have fun.

Evan : You didn't check her ID.

Casey : She's over 21.  I've known her for two years.

Evan : It doesn't matter. You still have to check her ID.

Casey : Right. I guess knowing someone for two years doesn't mean that much in the end.

ZBZ Girl : I'm over 21, Casey.

Casey : Beer is high in carbs and it makes you bloat. I'm doing you a favor.

Evan : I guess you always gotta make me be the bad guy. So you can play the victim again. Man up, Condon.

Casey : Whatever role I play, I have to be a mime, since you never stop accusing long enough to let me get a word in.

Evan : You mean you think you have some... Some reasonable explanation for kissing Cappie after I lavaliered you?

Casey : How about that I'm human? That I make mistakes? Like you did when you rush-humped Rebecca.

Evan : Will you ever quit playing that card? I was never in love with Rebecca.

Casey : You... move! Move! Just move! So?

Ashleigh : Can I get re-stamped?

Evan : Listen, it wasn't the same level of betrayal, okay? You obviously still had feelings for Cappie.

Casey : And I still have feelings for Cappie, Evan. Just like I still have feelings for you. Maybe I always will. Unlike the super-human Evan Chambers, I don't seem to have control over how I feel about people. Most of the time however, I do have control over what I do about those feelings. And what I did was choose you. I thought that was the most important thing. Clearly, in your world, it isn't. And then you dumped me without trying to talk, without giving me the second chance I gave you.

Evan : O'Toole. Perfect. You're gonna have to do this, man, you're it. I need a drink.

KT HOUSE – Cappie’s room

Cappie : Dr. Logan. You're... A scary scandinavian woman.

Nurse : It's nurse Von Lembke. But you can call me Helga.

Cappie : Why would I wanna do that?

Nurse : Rebecca Logan sent me. She said it's time for you to get well. Shall we start with the nasal irrigation?

CRU – Dale & Rusty’s room

Rusty : Emma must be really working hard. She's not even answering her phone. I just hope she got that care package I sent her.

Dale : Could you keep your voice down, please?

Rusty : Why?

Dale : 'cause Tina said she was coming over, and I do not want to talk to her. And put your phone on vibrate.

Rusty : Whatever happened to "Not being intimidated by strong women", "Harnessing that dynamo"?

Dale : She's trying to take over U-Sag. She emails me at least a dozen times a day. She put her email on all the flyers. Now she's even got Ted and Sanjay including a prayer for a greater U-Sag profile on campus in their daily intercessions.

Rusty : Well, Dale, you just can't hide out here. You're eventually going to have to talk to her.

Dale : No, I won't.

Rusty : Are you just gonna will her away?

Dale : I believe in science and creationism. My mind is a powerful instrument.

Tina : Hello? It's Tina. Anybody in there?

Dale : Don't say anything.

Tina : Is that you, Dale? I'm actually here to see Rusty.

Dale : It's a ruse. Don't fall for it. Do not let her in.

Rusty : Don't be ridiculous, Dale.

Tina : What's going on in there?

Rusty : What's going on in there is that Dale wants U-Sag back.

Tina : What are you talking about?

Rusty : You... overstepping your boundaries. As much as I disagree with U-Sag, it's important to Dale. It's his brainchild. You took a simple invitation to join, and you ran wild with it.

Tina : I thought that the goal was to get rid of the Greek system.

Rusty : It is, unfortunately. But... Dale wants to do it his way. And you had no right to come in and pull the rug out from under him. The guy's freaked out. So you just need to back off.

Tina : Yeah, well, I didn't come here to talk about U-Sag anyway. I came here to give you this. It's from Emma. Your care package. I mean, between the cd and the white board and the coffee and the questionnaire, and now this... I mean, you're scaring her. She wants you to back off.


Evan : Frannie... What do you want?

Frannie : To apologize. For screwing things up with you and Casey last semester.

Evan : I don't even wanna think about me and Casey anymore.

Frannie : Or maybe I can help.

Evan kisses Frannie.

Frannie : My... Not exactly what I had in mind.

Evan : Really?

Frannie : Look, Evan... You're a gorgeous guy, with many, many fine attributes. You're also... Clearly Still working out some issues. I'm not interested in being anyone's warm body.

Evan : I got it.

ZBZ HOUSE – Ashleigh & Casey’s room

Casey just woke up.

OMEGA CHI HOUSE – Living room

Calvin : Evan.

Evan : I need my shoes. Where are my shoes?

Calvin : Right there.

Evan : Yes, okay.

Calvin : You look like crap. Where are you going?

Evan : I'm gonna go tell Casey I'm an idiot, and I want her back.

Calvin : Good luck with that.


Evan : Casey. You look amazing.

Casey : I feel pretty amazing. I'm done, Evan.

Evan : Done with what?

Casey : With all this. I'm finished being angry with you. I woke up this morning and I finally realized no matter what I say or do, I can't change the past. Or how you feel about it. And I'm done trying. I'm finally ready to move on.

Evan : Move on... From us?

Casey : Yeah.

Evan : And what if I was less of a jealous idiot?

Casey : Then I'd think maybe we could be friends... If you think you can do that.

Evan : Friends?

Casey : Think about it. See ya around campus... Evan Chambers.

CRU - Street

Rusty : Hey, you're up early.

Emma : I've got coffee, thanks.

Rusty : This one's mine. Look, Emma... I just want to apologize for coming on so strong. I never meant to scare you or seem like a crazy person.

Emma : That's okay.

Rusty : Yeah, I guess I'm just... Overly enthusiastic. I really liked you. And I really liked being in a relationship when I was in one before. And I guess when it... Seemed like I might have a shot at a new one, I kind of jumped the gun. I'm sorry for the firearms metaphors.

Emma : Don't worry about it.

Rusty : Yeah, I don't know. It's probably obvious that... I don't have a lot of experience in the romance department. But I'm a fast learner. And maybe if I totally put the brakes on, we can try again.

Emma : Yeah. No. But I'll see you in class, okay?

ZBZ HOUSE - Hallway

Casey : Frannie.

Frannie : Casey.

Casey : We need to talk.

Frannie : About what?

Casey : Do you still wanna move back into the house?

Frannie : Yeah.

Casey : Then do it. You're officially off probation. We're moving forward.

KT HOUSE – Cappie’s room

Cappie : Good morning.

Rebecca : What did you do to him?

Nurse : You know the rules, Ms. Logan. What happens in Cappie's room stays in Cappie's room.

Rebecca : Still contagious, right?

Cappie : No, I was just wearing this because, apparently, Helga likes pirates.

Rebecca : You two...

Cappie : Did not. I am currently a one-woman man.

Rebecca : Look, Cappie... I am not now, nor will I ever be Casey Cartwright... Perfect girlfriend, angel of mercy.

Cappie : Well, thank God.

Rebecca : You really are a colossal pain in the ass when you're sick, you know that? I don't know how she stood you.

Cappie : Well, she is an angel. And she discovered my achilles heel. Cough syrup. Knocks me on my butt.  She'd give me a dose, climb out the window, and come back by the time I need another one. No one knew. She didn't even think I knew. What?

Rebecca : Only makes me like her more.

Cappie : Really? We talkin' threesome now?

Rebecca : Who said you're invited?

Cappie : You're bad. You naughty little girl.

CRU – Dale & Rusty’s room

Tina : I had a new idea for a U-Sag flyer, and I just wanted to run it by Dale and see if he would sign off on it.

Rusty : I'll make sure he gets it.

Tina : Hey Rusty. For what it's worth, Emma likes her crazy on the outside, not the inside. You're the first guy she's gone out with all semester that's not covered in tattoos and body piercings.

Rusty : I'm not crazy, okay?

Tina : And I'm not an egomaniacal control freak. Look... you probably won't understand this, and I don't even know why I feel the need to explain it to you, but I like to be in things. And all the ramp-up, getting-to-know-you part makes me feel anxious. So I kind of sort of just jump over it. Which can make me seem a little... pushy. Okay? Well, you better watch out for us, frat boy. Go, U-Sag!


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